Business Accounting & Tax

$600 second opinion on tax, GUARANTEED to find you $600 in tax savings or it's free!

We are proud to offer our second opinion program to business clients.

The process is simple:

  • You contact us for an initial conversation to see if you fit the second opinion program criteria.
  • If you meet our criteria you send us your most recent financial accounts and tax return. You also pay a $600 fee upfront.
  • We review your accounts and tax returns and meet with you to discuss our findings. If we can save you more than $600 in tax then we will discuss your options with you. If we can't save you at least $600 in tax then we refund your upfront fee - resulting in NO COST to you.

We have been able to save clients anywhere between $600 - $100,000 in the past.

Schedule a consultation to discuss our second opinion program further.

Our Business & Tax Services Include


Assured Business & Wealth

Individual Tax Returns

Assured Business & Wealth

Investor Tax Returns

Assured Business & Wealth

Sole trader and contractor Tax Returns

Assured Business & Wealth

Partnership Tax Returns

Assured Business & Wealth

Business & Instalment Activity Statements


Assured Business & Wealth

Company Tax Returns and
Financial Accounts 

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Self managed superannuation funds,
Tax Returns and Financial Accounts

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Trust Tax Returns

and distributions 

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Registrations of Companies (inc ABN), Trusts and SMSF’s

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Payroll related forms and
Single Touch Payroll 

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Bookkeeping services,

including Xero software

We are all about R.E.S.U.L.T.S

At Assured Business & Wealth Advisors we’re clear that we’re measured by the pure value we create for and with you. We want to drive more revenue, enjoyment & profits for your business.

Our R.E.S.U.L.T.S program does that in a totally unique way. It’s not for everyone, but

it's a structured program that may be for you. 


Increased Revenue

How well do you understand your revenue drivers? We can help you review the numbers in your business, identify your revenue drivers, and will help you enhance your total revenue as a company.


More Enjoyment

Picture it. The moment you decided. To take the leap and be your own boss. Excitement and trepidation. Knowing you’ll be putting in the hard yards. And knowing it’ll all be worth it for the freedom you’ll ultimately achieve. To live life on your terms.


Excess Surplus (aka Profits)

In 2020 and beyond businesses are moving towards being more purpose driven than driven by profits ... what's amazing is that purpose powers profits. So how well are you doing profit-wise?


Contribution to UN Global Goals

We believe every business would become better by aligning with the UN Global Goals - a bold plan to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality & addressing the urgency of climate change.


Tracking Leads

Today's leads are tomorrow's revenues and the next day's profit margins so if you want to keep a finger on the pulse of your cashflow - leads are key.


Better Total Clients

Did you know that a 10% increase in Total Number of Clients, a 10% increase in How Often they Buy from You and a 10% Much They Spend with you results in a in 67% increase in business revenues.


Improving Something Personal

Businesses for Good, exist for the good of their team, their clients, their communities and their founders (YOU). So what improvements would you like to see in your life - more date nights, less kilograms or something else?

Take our R.E.S.U.L.T.S questionnaire to see if our program is right for you

Know where your business stands at any time

One of the most certain things in life is that nothing is certain.

What if something happened to you and you were unable to work? Would your staff or family be able to understand who owes you money, who you need to pay and what your business tax position is?

Another issue we often find is that many business owners get stuck with the ‘admin’ of their business and are not able to spend time doing what they do best – generating income. You may find that your week consists of working ‘on the job’ and that your weekend is spent issuing invoices, reconciling bank statements and collating expenses.

Whether you are a professional, tradie or other business we are able to help you with your bookkeeping. 

Assured Business & Wealth Advisors

Download our FREE Business & Tax brochure if you'd like more information on how Assured can help you.

Assured Business & Wealth Tax Brochure
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